Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Short Reflection

Throughout the semester we,ve been working a lot on our writing. I've been doing better in my vocabulary so now when I write I have more words to use and they are able to catch the reader's attention. When write my essays I am better in my organization. I learned how to connect my thesis an my conclusion together. I also learned how to be more desciptive in my writing so that readers can picture what I wrote in their mind. 
Now that you read my reflection please comment on my learning and how you think I'm doing?
Please answer the questions on the bottom too. 
  1. What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why?
  2. What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
  3. Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice) do you feel was most successful for me?
  4. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Christian for that very insightful discussion. It has given me a clear picture into your learning progression this past semester. In your writing I really enjoyed the descriptive approach you have taken in to giving what a basketball player is feeling. In your portfolio I really liked how technical it appears. I know that might sound a little exaggerated, but remember, I had to use a typewriter to type up my essays when I was a freshman in high school. As far as improvements, maybe being better prepared prior to your presentation being done is something you can work on. Preview your work to ensure everything is in order prior to showing it. I think your most successful writing trait is "Voice". It really does seem as if I hear you describing the feelings you get when playing basketball. The thing you need improvement on in your writing is organization. Organize your thoughts, lay out your writing, and reviewing your work. All in all, great job Christian! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see your portfolio at the end of next semester!
